Walking Quick Tips:
- Always use sidewalks and crosswalks.
- Be visible. Wear bright, reflective colors on your clothes, shoes, belts, and wristbands.
- If no sidewalks are present, walk on the shoulder a safe distance from the travel lane, facing oncoming vehicles.

Biking Quick Tips:
- Always wear a helmet.
- Ride in the same direction of traffic on the street.
- Be visible, especially at night. Always use a white front light and a red rear light and reflector.
- Obey all traffic signs, signals, and markings.

Driving Quick Tips:
- Focus on the road.
- Avoid distractions while driving.
- Always watch for pedestrians.
- Slow down! Speed is the cause of 27% of all fatal crashes.
- Pass bicyclists safely. Allow a minimum of three feet between your vehicle and the bicyclist.
Florida's Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Coalition
Florida's Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Coalition is a diverse group of federal, state, local, and public partners, and stakeholders who are charged with implementing goals, objectives, and strategies within Florida's Pedestrian and Bicycle Strategic Safety Plan. The team focuses on the following seven emphasis areas:
- Data, Analysis, and Evaluation
- Law Enforcement
- Driver, Education & Licensing and Legislation, Regulation & Policy (Policy & Programs)
- Planning, Design, and Operations (Engineering)
- Communication, Outreach, and Education
- Emergency Medical Services
- Vision Zero Florida
Each Emphasis Area is led by a Goal Leader who is charged with directing the implementation of key strategies to drive down traffic crashes resulting in serious or fatal injuries to pedestrians and bicyclists.
Upcoming Coalition Meeting
Florida's Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Coalition Meeting
April 8-9, 2025
Tues, April 8, 1pm – 5:30pm; Wed, April 9, 8am – 12:30pm.
This meeting is open to the public and time will be reserved for public comment. If you are interested in attending, please notify Megan Mello at
so we can accommodate your attendance.